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44 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 8

Chuck Versus the Fake Name

"Chuck Versus the Fake Name" is a third-season episode of the television series Chuck. It was the eighth episode of the season, and the first to air after a two-week hiatus for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Chuck must juggle his new relationship with Hannah while at the same time taking on the role of an assassin hired by the Ring.
Julie McKinnon(Buy More Customer), Jesse Heiman(Fernando), Michael Kawczynski(Skip), Brandon Routh(Daniel Shaw), Kristin Kreuk(Hannah), Tony Sirico(Matty), Johnny Messner(Rafe Gruber), Louis Lombardi(Scotty), Craig Duda(Henchman)
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Uitgezonden op:
1 Maart 2010, 20:00
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