Captain Planet and the Planeteers

5.8 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 16

Birds of a Feather

Linka and Ma-Ti visit a friend, Juan, in Central America. While there, Juan's parrot, El Profesor, leads them to a secluded "bird paradise" when suddenly, a giant, metallic bird appears. All the birds, including El Profesor, follow it and so do Linka and Ma-Ti. They soon find themselves locked in a huge aviary, courtesy of Hoggish Greedly, who's running an exotic bird smuggling venture. El Profesor escapes and leads the Planeteers back to the aviary, where they summon Captain Planet, who closes down Greedly's "fly-by-night" operation.
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Uitgezonden op:
1 februari 1992, 00:00
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Captain Planet and the Planeteers