
7.6 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 13, Aflevering 24

A Place to Hide

The Cartwrights are once again brought in the middle of the Civil War. This time, the wife of former Civil War Col. Cody Ransom brings her young daughter to the Ponderosa, trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. However, Ben soon learns that Col. Ransom may be trying to search for his family. However, Union Maj. Donahue has been pursing Ransom and his men for many years after the war ended, and has refused to accept anybody's terms of surrender - especially since Donahue considers capturing Ransom a personal matter.
Ray Teal(Sheriff Roy Coffee), Victor Sen Yung(Hop Sing), Jodie Foster(Bluebird), Suzanne Pleshette(Rose Becket)
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Uitgezonden op:
19 Maart 1972, 00:00
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