
7.6 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 5

Confused Mind

Saya wakes up in Solomon's New York penthouse apartment, while Hagi searches for her. Solomon explains that he has left everything behind for Saya, including Diva. He pledges his eternal loves and asks Saya to be his bride. He pledges to protect her and fulfill her every wish. As they talk, Solomon realizes Saya's time of sleep is coming, and swears he would kill Diva if Saya ordered him to. Hagi appears to retrieve Saya, saying she is his reason for being. Solomon won't let her go, and they begin a battle. As they fight, Saya gets dizzy and falls from the building. To save her, Hagi unleashes his true form for the first time in the series. When they land, Saya gently rejects his feelings, and tells him killing Diva is her job. She and Hagi fly off, returning to the apartment. Meanwhile, Julia goes with David to the hospital. As he is rushed to the emergency room, he asks her to come back to them. Julia keeps vigil over him as he lies unconscious in the hospital, and kisses him. Back at the apartment, Mao kisses Kai and confesses her love, but also accepts that his only thoughts are for Saya.
Geen gastrollen bekend
Shintaro Itoga
Uitgezonden op:
5 augustus 2006, 00:00
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