
7.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 11

Plus Two Isn't a Thing

Dre's childhood best friend Gigi Franklin is in town, and Bow feels like an afterthought whenever the two of them are together. Dre and Gigi are like brother and sister, but it doesn't help that Gigi is an international pop star with model looks. When they get into an argument, Dre turns to Bow, who convinces him that she can fill Gigi's shoes as his best friend and they give it a trial run. Meanwhile, the kids always look forward to a visit from Aunt Gigi and during her stay, they become inspired to film a music video and become Youtube stars.
Peter MacKenzie(Leslie Stevens), Wanda Sykes(Daphne Lido), Issac Ryan Brown(Young Dre), Catherine Reitman(Lucy), Mindy Sterling(Pamela), Tyra Banks(Gigi), Brooklyn McLinn(Napoleon), Elia Cantu(Wife), Janie Haddad Tompkins(Wife), Mary-Margaret Lewis(Wife), Scott Michael Morgan(Husband), Bill Lewis(Husband), Matthew Gudernatch(Husband)
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Uitgezonden op:
6 januari 2016, 21:30
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