Big Time Rush

8,0 / 10
24 min
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Big Time Bad Boy

The record company CEO thinks adding a fifth band member will broaden Big Time Rush's appeal and sticks the guys with a self-proclaimed "bad boy" named Wayne Wayne, who tries to inject dissension and tension within the group. Ultimately, Gustavo and the guys secretly band together to get him booted out of the band, in a "bad boy-off". Meanwhile, Mrs. Knight gets persuaded that there's an axe maniac on the loose, and forces Katie to play with a girl named Molly, who is later found to be a con actress that's 20 years old and tries to pass herself off as an 11-year-old girl driving in a high speed chase with cops, using Mrs. Knight's rental car, trying to get a job in Hollywood.
Challen Cates(Jennifer Knight), Tanya Chisholm(Kelly Wainwright), Erin Sanders(Camille Roberts), Spencer Locke(Jennifer 2), Matt Riedy(Arthur Griffin), David Anthony Higgins(Reginald Bitters), Denyse Tontz(Jennifer 1), Steven SkylerDaran NorrisTed Garcia(Self), Matt Angel(WayneWayne), Savannah Jayde(Jennifer)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 januari 2010, 19:00
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Big Time Rush