
7.3 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 7

The Drowning Pool

A man is found drowned off the beach and Jill suspects foul play is the reason. She begins seeing the son of the victim and during the investigation discovers the man's cousin was responsible for his father's death. A man who helped Jill bring the victim ashore decides he wants to be a lifeguard as well even though he is not qualified.
Christopher Rich(Derrick Benton), Jeff Altman(Fred Rachins), Claude Earl Jones(Lloyd), Beatrice Colen(Ellie), Richard Roat(Alex Benton), Joanne House(Joanne Benton), Kendra Booth(Teen Girl), Jordan Brady(Teen Boy), Ken Marshall(Chuck), Kay E. Kuter(Henry)
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Uitgezonden op:
3 november 1989, 00:00
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