Baby Talk

30 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 7

Dr. Duck's Jamboree

Maggie has a date with the star of the famous kid's show ""Dr. Duck's Jamboree"" and ask James to baby-sit Mickey. When Maggie's date comes to pick her up, he overhears James singing a kid's song that he made-up for Mickey and comments on it being very good. The next day when Maggie, James, and Mickey tune into ""Dr. Duck's Jamboree,"" James discovers that his impromptu song was stolen and used on the show. Initially, Maggie does not believe him, but later does some investigating to find out the truth. In the end, James is given credit for the song.
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Uitgezonden op:
8 november 1991, 00:00
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Baby Talk