Baby Talk

30 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 19

The Littlest Shoplifter

(temporary synopsis) James' parents are coming to town to meet Maggie for the first time. Maggie goes overboard with worries that she will make a bad impression, but James reassures that his parents will love her. When Maggie and Mickey stop by the market to get food for the big dinner, Mickey places some items in Maggie's coat pockets without her knowing it. At the checkstand, Maggie is arrested for shoplifting and has to call James to come down and bail her out. When James comes down to the police station, he brings along a surprise with him - his parents. The charges are dropped after the surveilance camera is reviewed, which proves Maggie's innocence.
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Uitgezonden op:
28 februari 1992, 00:00
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Baby Talk