Baby Talk

30 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 1

Starting Over

Maggie and Mickey say goodbye to their Manhattan Loft and start their new lives in their new home in Brooklyn Heights. Despite the dismay of Maggie's mother Doris, the not-so reccommended words of neighbor Anita, and the seemingly unreliable super/songwriter James, Maggie stays put on her decision to remain. Maggie's moving day is interrupted when her accounting office calls her in to handle an urgent client's claim. While she is gone, Doris is asked to baby-sit Mickey. But a domino effect of accidents and errands causes Mickey to switch baby-sitters from Anita to James. When Maggie returns from work, she goes on a worrysome chase to find Mickey. When he is finally found in her apartment with James, Maggie makes the decision to work at home more and at the office less.
Tom Alan Robbins
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Uitgezonden op:
20 september 1991, 00:00
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Baby Talk