American Idol

8,0 / 10
60 min
Muziek, Spelprogramma
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 22

Top 11 Finalists Perform

Tonight the remaining 11 finalists perform live for the nation, vying for the American Idol crown. The contestants will sing their hearts out in hopes of winning America's votes and surviving another week in the competition. See who impresses the judges and who buckles under the pressure. Tonight's Theme Is: (Thanks to viewer requests) Lennon/ / McCartney songs Performing Tonight are: David Archuleta Jason Castro David Cook Kristy Lee Cook Chikezie Eze Michael Johns Ramiele Malubay Syesha Mercado Amanda Overmyer Carly Smithson Brooke White
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Uitgezonden op:
18 Maart 2008, 00:00
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American Idol