American Dad!

7.7 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 15, Aflevering 5

The Mural of the Story

Stan discovers that the Langley Falls historical mural has been ruined by graffiti and neglect and convinces the town to allow him to restore the mural himself; Roger becomes Steve's instructor at a prestigious clowning university.
Kevin Michael Richardson(Principal Lewis (voice)), Jeff Fischer(Jeff Fischer (voice)), Thomas Lennon(Trey (voice)), Judah Miller(Mertz (voice)), Andrew Daly(Memphis Stormfront / Snoopaloompa (voice)), Richard Kind(Al Tuttle (voice)), Josh Fadem((voice)), Parker Deay(Sleep Apnea Research Scientist (voice)), Susie Essman(Esther Lonstein (voice)), Eric Edelstein(Chip (voice)), Mike Castle(Townsperson (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
5 Maart 2018, 22:00
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American Dad!