Alaska Daily

7.4 / 10
45 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 9

Rush to Judgement

When a new finding makes a familiar face the top suspect in Gloria Nanmac’s case, Eileen and Roz hustle to report first. Meanwhile, Austin and Claire follow Conrad Pritchard’s trail to figure out what he is really up to in Alaska.
Irene Bedard(Sylvie Nanmac), Kourtney Bell(Karla), Shane McRae(Aaron Pritchard), Scott Fee(Frank Moses), Gardiner Millar(Judge), Mark Moses(Governor Thacker), Martin Sensmeier(Jindaháa Twitchell), John Getz(Conrad Pritchard), Sue Cremin(Commissioner Haynes), Christopher Redman(Dennis), Josh Zuckerman(Mr. Miller), Jim Thorburn(Mr. Bailey), Cheri Maracle(Trooper Dawn Howard), Kris McRonney(Pilot), Justyna Bania(Mary Anne), Heather-Claire Nortey(Kim Lando), Jessica Garcia(Nell Jacobson), Aaron Joseph(Sergeant-at-Arms), Roark Critchlow(D.A. David), Brandon Alexis(Toby Crenshaw), Phillip Forest Lewitski(Miles), Bernard Starlight(Ned Crenshaw), Mary-Rose Cohen(Gloria Nanmac (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
16 Maart 2023, 00:00
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Alaska Daily