Rookie Blue

8.1 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 4


When a tenement-building shooting leads to the discovery of an executed gang leader, 15 Division must race to find the killer before a gang war breaks out. As the murderer zeroes in on the one witness who can tie him to the crime, Andy and her rookie, Duncan, are put to a life-and-death test of true police heroism.
Anthony Ulc(Booking Sergeant), Kyle Mac(Jamie), Emmanuel Kabongo(Shay Bishop), Oliver Becker(Inspector John Jarvis), Matt Murray(Duncan Moore), Thamela Mpumlwana(Marcus Riggs), Josh Cruddas(Wendel), Beatriz Yuste(Ava), Darlene Cooke(Mrs. Riggs), Anthony Grant(Boz Shepherd), Shechinah Mpumlwana(Sophie)
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9 juni 2014, 22:00
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Rookie Blue