Game of Thrones

8.6 / 10
57 min
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Red Nose Day 'Game Of Thrones' Musical

“George R.R. Martin meets Chris Martin – what could go wrong?” That’s Emilia Clarke in the epic, 12-minute video for Coldplay’s totally fake Game of Thrones musical, right before she rips into a song called “Rastafarian Targaryen.” Here’s a sample lyric: “Call me Daenerys Targaryen when you want to reach me, and if you feel the love then you can call me Khalessi.” The sketch, part of Red Nose Day, includes cast members Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage, John Bradley, Rose Leslie, Charlotte Pope, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Alfie Allen and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who performs a piano ballad called “Closer to Home” to a photo of Lena Headey as Cersei. (“Are you thinking about Joffrey? Such a spirited lad. I was his uncle, I was also his dad.”)
Sue Perkins(Narrator), George R. R. Martin
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22 Mei 2015, 21:00
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Game of Thrones