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The Real Housewives of Atlanta
DeShawn Snow

DeShawn Snow

Leeftijd: 51
Geboren: 17 maart 1973 , Detroit, Michigan, USA
DeShawn worked as an estate manager and in 2004 before she became a name in the entertainment industry. She ran her real estate agency, EDJ Realty, LLC which is located in Georgia, United States of America. In 2006, she came up with the DeShawn Snow Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation, and the aim was to help young women who were going through self-esteem issues. She starred in the Real Housewives of Atlanta and she was among the first original housewives during the first airing on October 7, 2008. Along the line, she was dismissed from the show for being “too human” for a circus show, she stated in an interview with essennce.com.
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DeShawn Snow

Biografie DeShawn Snow

Leeftijd: 51
Geboren: 17 maart 1973 , Detroit, Michigan, USA
DeShawn worked as an estate manager and in 2004 before she became a name in the entertainment industry. She ran her real estate agency, EDJ Realty, LLC which is located in Georgia, United States of America. In 2006, she came up with the DeShawn Snow Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation, and the aim was to help young women who were going through self-esteem issues. She starred in the Real Housewives of Atlanta and she was among the first original housewives during the first airing on October 7, 2008. Along the line, she was dismissed from the show for being “too human” for a circus show, she stated in an interview with essennce.com.

